Information Seeking Behaviour Of Cassava Farmers In Upata Clan, Ekpeye Community Of Rivers State, Nigeria


  • P. C. Aziagba University of Port Harcourt Library Choba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
  • G. W. Okede Medical Library, University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria


Ekpeye land, knowledge, information, cassava farming


This study dealt on fresh cassava farmers in Ekpeye land of Rivers State, Nigeria.
This study adopted a survey research design which cluster sampling technique
was used to select 984 respondents on random basis from four clusters. Structured
questionnaire was design for the collection of data. Three categories of farmers
were identified in the study. They are peasants, commercial and cooperative
farmers. The peasant farmers are mainly old and retiring group with little needs
and information. The commercial farmers are individual prospective farmers.
The cooperative farmers are those who agreed to contribute their efforts, money
and resources for a common goal and objective. They are anxious to getting
information about how, what and where to go for more knowledge and assistance.
It was also observed that the farmers desiring information from colleagues,
extension workers, agricultural institutions, news media and banks in order to
sustain, organize and expand their efforts in profit making. It is the position of
this study that if cassava farmers are given more information, they will surely do
better. In this case, they should be given more education as this would benefit


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How to Cite

Aziagba, P. C., & Okede, G. W. (2011). Information Seeking Behaviour Of Cassava Farmers In Upata Clan, Ekpeye Community Of Rivers State, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(3), 1–7. Retrieved from


