Security Of Information Sources In Libraries Of Government Owned Polytechnics In South East States Of Nigeria


  • C. I. Ogbodo Librarian in University of Uyo Library University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria


Polytechnic, Libraries, Information sources, Security


This study investigated the security of information sources in polytechnic libraries
in South East States. This was with the aim of finding out the problems and methods
of securing information sources, constraints to security of information sources
and strategies for improvement. Four objectives and research questions were
formulated to guide the study. The descriptive survey design was adopted for the
study. The entire population was studied. The instrument for data collection was
a questionnaire tagged security of information sources in Polytechnic Libraries
(SISPL) in South East States. Thirty three copies of the questionnaire were
distributed and all were recovered. Frequency tables, simple percentages and
mean were used to analyse data collected for the study. The result obtained revealed
that: the problems of security are theft, mutilation and overdue. The libraries
studied did not adopt electronic security method rather they used manual methods
to secure their libraries. They had many constraints and they have adopted many
strategies for improvement. Based on the findings, it was recommended that a
combination of both manual and electronic methods can make the securing of
information sources more effective.


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How to Cite

Ogbodo, C. I. (2011). Security Of Information Sources In Libraries Of Government Owned Polytechnics In South East States Of Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(2), 40–46. Retrieved from


