The Influence of Teachers' Attitude on Students' Learning of Mathematics in Nigerian Secondary Schools


  • E. Odiri Onoshakpokaiye Institution of Education Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria


Learning, Attitude, Teachers, Mathematics


It is very clear that teachers' way of thinking and beliefs guide his/her
behaviour in decision making both inside and outside the classroom. In
order to carryout the teaching task effectively and efficiently teachers are
guided by certain principles of teaching and learning which have great
implications for teachings. Teachers are a vital force in educational
effectiveness of the classroom instructional level. This review work therefore
was preoccupied with assessing the influence of teachers' attitude on
students' learning of mathematics in Nigerian secondary schools. It was
revealed that students draw from their teachers' disposition to form their
own attitude which eventually influence their learning outcomes; attitude
of teachers towards their students must be positive so as to carry them
along. Consequently, it was recommended that seminars/workshops on
positive teachers' disposition while teaching should be addressed by
education stakeholders as important and urgent.


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How to Cite

Onoshakpokaiye, E. O. (2011). The Influence of Teachers’ Attitude on Students’ Learning of Mathematics in Nigerian Secondary Schools. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(1), 15–21. Retrieved from


