Rating of Agricultural Educators on the Prospect of Agricultural Education in Cassava Production and Entrepreneurial Skills Acquisition in Delta State, Nigeria


  • J. F. O. Akpomedaye Department of Vocational Education, Agricultural Science Unit Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria


Agricultural education, entrepreneurship skills, training, cassava production


The main focus of this paper was to examine agricultural education as a tool for entrepreneurial skills training for sustainable cassava production in Delta State. Four research questions were raised as the design was expost-facto using survey technique. The study population comprised the 23 lecturers from Agricultural Science Unit of the department of vocational education, Delta State University, Abraka; Agricultural education department, College of education, Warri; and Agricultural education department, College of education, Agbor. This population was used for
the study without sampling. The questionnaire was used to collect data after subjecting it to validation and reliability tests with adequate indices obtained. Data was analysed using tabulations and percentages. The results showed that agricultural education has played many roles in entrepreneurial skills training for crop production such as provision of skills for proper agricultural education of the youths among others. Among the recommendations is the provision of modern and adequate facilities, equipment, tools and implements at the higher level of agricultural education.


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How to Cite

Akpomedaye, J. F. O. (2011). Rating of Agricultural Educators on the Prospect of Agricultural Education in Cassava Production and Entrepreneurial Skills Acquisition in Delta State, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(1), 132–141. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1184


