Principals' Supervisory Aptitude of Teachers' Work Performance in Delta State Secondary Schools, Nigeria


  • E. D. Nakpodia Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies Delta State University Abraka, Delta State - Nigeria.


Schools, teachers, performance, principals, Delta State, Education


This study investigated the degree to which the work performance of teachers in secondary schools in Delta State depends on the aptitude of school principals to maintain and enforce adequate supervision. Three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated and tested with Pearson correlation methods. The population of teachers used is 8,705 and 491 principals out of which 300 teachers equals 3.4% and 30 principals equals 6.1% were sampled using random sampling techniques. A total of 330 respondents were sampled and served with questionnaires. Two hypotheses were tested. The results show that teachers performance in secondary schools is significantly dependent on the aptitude of the principals to effectively conduct adequate and valuable supervision which validates the importance of discipline, recordkeeping and teaching aids. The study recommends that school principals should routinely adopt reasonable supervisory behaviour to enhance teachers' task in the classrooms.


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How to Cite

Nakpodia, E. D. (2011). Principals’ Supervisory Aptitude of Teachers’ Work Performance in Delta State Secondary Schools, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(1), 263–274. Retrieved from


