Knowledge and Practice of Safe Motherhood Initiative (SMI) among Childbearing Mothers attending Maternal and Child Health (Mch) Clinics in Nsukka Health District


  • C. C. Igbokwe Department of Health and Physical Education University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
  • G. N. Adama Department of Health and Physical Education University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria


Knowledge and practice, Safe motherhood initiative, Childbearing mothers, Maternal and child health


The purpose of the study was to ascertain the knowledge and practice of safe motherhood initiative among childbearing mothers (CBMs) attending MCH clinics in Nsukka Health District. Specifically, the study determined the CBMs level of knowledge of various components of safe motherhood initiative (SMI) and the prenatal care practices among CBMs in Nsukka health district. The study utilized a survey design while, data were collected using self- designed childbearing mother knowledge and practices of safe motherhood questionnaire (CMKPSQ). The 363 CBMs that participated in the studywere randomly selected in the study area. Data collected were analyzed using percentage, t-test and chi-square statistical tools. Results showed that while some CBMs practiced prenatal care, others had high knowledge of SMI. The two null hypotheses tested revealed that age has no statistical significant influence on CBMs and the knowledge of SMI and age at pregnancy had no significance influence on CBMs practice of SMI components. The study advocated that health education programmes should be intensified at the grass-root level to increase and promote the utilization of MCH services among CBMs.

Author Biography

G. N. Adama, Department of Health and Physical Education University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Igbokwe, C. C., & Adama, G. N. (2011). Knowledge and Practice of Safe Motherhood Initiative (SMI) among Childbearing Mothers attending Maternal and Child Health (Mch) Clinics in Nsukka Health District. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(1), 221–229. Retrieved from


