Complexities and Contradictions in Technical and Vocational Education Policy in Uganda


  • Benson Okello Department of Vocational Pedagogy Kyambogo University, Kyambogo, Uganda


Complexities, contradictions, vocational education, Uganda


The hope for better life after school is dashed into pieces when one comes out of an institution of higher learning and only to find out that actually he or she does not have job market requirements. Those individuals should be gotten hold of before they become alienated by teaching them basic vocational skills in secondary schools to carve their failure in the labor market. This survey presented the complexities and contradictions in vocational education in Uganda. Data for the study were gotten through the use of structured questionnaire and personal interview and analysed using simple percentage. Major finding which were drawn from data collected from 100 randomly sampled students of Kyambogo University,
Uganda revealed that students join technical course because they have no school fees for secondary school education. As a result of the above, the study advocated that apprenticeships should be promoted so that people can get trained from the work places.

Author Biography

Benson Okello, Department of Vocational Pedagogy Kyambogo University, Kyambogo, Uganda



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How to Cite

Okello, B. (2011). Complexities and Contradictions in Technical and Vocational Education Policy in Uganda. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(1), 180–194. Retrieved from


