Sexuality Education Practices Among Parents Of Students In Enugu Education Zone, Enugu State, Nigeria


  • C. E. N. Ursula Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation University of Cape Coast, Ghana
  • N. Nwobodo-Ani Department of Health and Physical Education Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu State, Nigeria


Sexuality education, practices, parents, young students


The purpose of this study was to find out the sexuality education practices of
parents of young students in Enugu Education Zone. Four research questions
guided the study. Data were collected from two hundred and twenty six parents
from six secondary schools out of the twenty nine secondary schools in the three
local government areas that make up Enugu Education Zone. The data were
analysed using frequency and percentages. The study found out among others
that most parents are passive, with regard to the sexuality education of their
children. Most of them also believe that sexuality education should be taught
only to adolescents. One of the major educational implications of this result was
that between pre-school age and school age (before adolescence) children would
have created their own mythological ideas about human sexuality. And this is a
sure recipe for numerous sexual health problems.

Author Biography

N. Nwobodo-Ani, Department of Health and Physical Education Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu State, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Ursula, C. E. N., & Nwobodo-Ani, N. (2010). Sexuality Education Practices Among Parents Of Students In Enugu Education Zone, Enugu State, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 1(2&3), 47–54. Retrieved from


