Project Management In Colleges Of Education Libraries In Edo And Delta States Of Nigeria


  • Matilda E. Amadasu College of Education Ekiadolor, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria


Project management, libraries, colleges of education


This study adopted the survey research design to assess the procurement,
organization and use of unpublished projects emanating from selected colleges
of Education Libraries in Edo and Delta States of Nigeria. Colleges of Education
Agbor, Warri and Igueben were purposively selected for the study. Secondary
sources were used as necessary literature support while questionnaire was used
to provide the core data. The data were analysed using simple percentage. Findings
revealed that some college libraries are yet to apply professional methods of
document handling in management of student's projects in addition to inadequacies
in accommodation, facilities and staff. The restricted access practiced in these
libraries perpetrated lecturers mechandazation of their personal copies and also
could not prevent theft and mutilation of these materials. Among other
recommendations, lecturers who make merchandize of their copies should be
seriously sanctioned.


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How to Cite

Amadasu, M. E. (2010). Project Management In Colleges Of Education Libraries In Edo And Delta States Of Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 1(2&3), 72–78. Retrieved from


