Effects of Radiation and Radial Magnetic Field on Steady Free Convection Flow in a Vertical Porous ConcentricAnnular due to Convective Surface Boundary Condition


  • Anas Sani Maihulla Department of Mathematics, Sokoto State University, Sokoto, Nigeria.


Heat and mass transfer, mixed convection, differential transform method, exothermic chemical reaction, and vertical channel


The problem concerning the effects of radiation and radial magnetic field on steady free convection flow in a vertical porous concentric-annular due to convective surface boundary condition has been studied. The models governing equations are solved by using perturbation method. The results show that the maximum flow velocity and temperature are recorded at the lower plate by increasing the symmetric wall temperature while opposite phenomenon is observed at the upper plate. The parameters such as ambient temperature parameter, magnetic parameter, Biot number as well as convective heat transfer parameters have effects on temperature and velocity.


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How to Cite

Maihulla, A. S. (2023). Effects of Radiation and Radial Magnetic Field on Steady Free Convection Flow in a Vertical Porous ConcentricAnnular due to Convective Surface Boundary Condition. International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Intelligence (IJEMI) , 5(1&2), 10–19. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Ijemi/article/view/425


