On Close - to - Convex Function and Univalent Function


  • Akinola, A. D. Department of Mathematics, College of Natural Science, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta,Ogun State, Nigeria.
  • Ganiyu, M. A. Department of Physical Sciences, Al-hikmah University, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria 


Starlike, convex, univalency, regular function, close-to-convex, definitions


Let f(z) = z + å¥n=2 anzn and g(z) be regular in the unit disk

E = {z : z < 1}. In this study, a condition under which Re gf ''((zz)) > 0 was establish and the result applied to discuss the univalency of the function f (z) . AMS (MOS) Subject

classification codes 30C45, 30C50. 



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How to Cite

D., A. A., & A., G. M. (2023). On Close - to - Convex Function and Univalent Function. International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Intelligence (IJEMI) , 2(1&amp;2), 48–52. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Ijemi/article/view/407


