Effects of Kiri Dam Construction on the Economy of Lower Gongola Basin of Shelleng Local Government, Adamawa State, Nigeria


  • A. M. Z. Shalangw Government Secondary School, Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria
  • A. A. Adebayo Moddibbi Adama University, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria
  • A. A. Zemba Moddibbi Adama University, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria
  • T. J. Bonifice Primary Health Care Development Agency, Mubi North, Local Government, Adamawa State Nigeria


Dam, Irrigation, farming, Environmental, Lower Gongola


This survey aims at examining the effects of the Kiri Dam construction on the
economy of Lower Gongola Basin of Shelleng Local Government, Adamawa State, Nigeria. Kiri Dam was constructed in 1982, at Kiri, some kilometers upstream of its confluence with the River Benue at Numan. Two hundred and fifty copies of structured questionnaire were administered on the respondents. Simple percentage and student t-test were used for data analysis. Multi-statge sampling technique was used to select respondents for the study. Remote sensing of two dates analysis (1976-1994) were processed and change detection was analyzed. The result revealed that the farmers do not benefits from the project, this is because according to the farmers, the Dam has taken away over farmland, grazing areas and other areas used for economic activities. In addition the quell birds are now common in the areas due to the presence of the Dam which fed on grains of cereal crops and
consequently forced farmer to cultivate cottons. However, fishes were not in
abundant as used to be before the Dam construction. The T-test showed drastic decrease in the farm sizes. From the result above, it is concluded that, the economic activities and well being of the people in the area is disrupted. Hence, the community should be given adequate irrigational facilities and sensitized on fishing skills and equipment to enable them effectively utilize the reservoir.




How to Cite

Shalangw, A. M. Z., Adebayo, A. A., Zemba, A. A., & Bonifice, T. J. (2014). Effects of Kiri Dam Construction on the Economy of Lower Gongola Basin of Shelleng Local Government, Adamawa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment (IJEDRI), 5(1), 48–54. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Ijedri/article/view/863


