The Problems Of Fresh Fish Marketing In Oshimili South Local Government Area Of Delta State, Nigeria


  • A. A. Nwabueze Department of Fisheries, Delta State University Asaba Campus, Asaba, Nigeria
  • E. O. Nwabueze Department of Agricultural Technology Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro, Nigeria.


Fresh Fish, Marketing, Oshimili South, Delta State


The problems of fresh fish marketing in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State were examined. Primary Data were collected within a 12 months period via interview instruments - questionnaire and observations. 144 copies of questionnaire were randomly distributed to 2 wholesalers and 10 retailers from 3 identified markets with evidence of fish marketing activities in the four major towns in the study area. Reports from 126 respondents who returned their questionnaire show that cultured fish ponds are the most regular and reliable source of fresh fish in the area, though rivers/stream provided more fishes but supply was irregular and not reliable. Fresh fish was observed to be significantly more abundant in the dry season than in the rainy season. Results also show that seasonality, scarcity, means of preservation, poor means of transportation and the use of badly-shaped containers are the main problems of fresh fish marketing in the Local Government Area. The paper recommends the creation of enabling environment to encourage more people to go into aquaculture in order to beat the problem of seasonality in fish supply. Also, fish smokers should
use cheaper alternative fuel for smoking unsold fish.




How to Cite

Nwabueze, A. A., & Nwabueze, E. O. (2011). The Problems Of Fresh Fish Marketing In Oshimili South Local Government Area Of Delta State, Nigeria. International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment (IJEDRI), 2(1), 99–104. Retrieved from


