Maize (Zea Mays L.) Genetic Advances Through S1 Recurrent Selection In Ethiopia


  • Leta Tulu Bedada Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Habte Jifar Jimma Agricultural Research Center Jimma, Ethiopia


Genetic gain, morka, recurrent selection, response to selection, Ukuruguru Composite B


This paper presented the genetic gain and progress made in improving grain yield, plant height, ear placement, resistance to lodging and other desirable  agronomic traits in Ukuruguru Composite B (UCB) maize variety through two  cycles of selection. Three hundred and sixty and two hundred and fifty-four S1  families were evaluated in three environments and 36 and 25 families were  selected following 10% selection intensity during the first (C1) and the second  (C2) cycles, respectively. The progress made through selection was determined  by evaluating the parent population (UCB C0), the first and the second selection  cycles in six environments in a randomized complete block design with four  replications. Commercial open pollinated and hybrid varieties were included as  checks. UCB S1 C2 produced mean grain yield and had a significant genetic gain  with mean gain. It was concluded that two cycles of S1 recurrent selection have  brought significant genetic improvement in grain yield and major agronomic  traits in UCB. Hence UCB S1C2 was fully released and recommended for  commercial production in the mid altitude (1600-1800 masl) agro ecologies of  Jimma and Illubabore zones, in South Western part of Ethiopia.   


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How to Cite

Bedada, L. T., & Jifar, H. (2023). Maize (Zea Mays L.) Genetic Advances Through S1 Recurrent Selection In Ethiopia. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 2(1), 154–169. Retrieved from


