Physico-Chemical Concentration Of Urban River: A Seasonal Assessment Of River Ala In Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria
Physico- chemical, Seasonal assessment, surface water quality and urban centreAbstract
This study was necessitated by the peoples' consideration of water from rivers as substitute to the reigning incidence of water shortage in the downstream of the river. Six locations in River Ala upstream were chosen spatially within the urban built-up to reflect a consideration of all possible human activities that are capable of changing the quality of river water. Coefficient of variation and Correlation coefficient were respectively used to test for homogeneity and significant relationship of paired parameters. Water samples were collected for a period of 12 months, and were analyzed for physico chemical parameters which include ph, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, nitrate, iron and zinc using standard procedures. For spatial reference the location of sampling points were determined with GPS and interpolated on digitized topographical map sheets of the study area. It was observed that variation exists in the quality of the sampled waters and impaired to different degrees using WHO standards for the selected parameters.It was recommended among others that the residents along River Ala in the upstream environment should embrace the culture of using waste incinerator and disposing management instead of discharging their waste to River Ala.
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