Forest Management Practices Of The Dryland Zone Of Nigeria: Policies, Challenges And Utilisation


  • Alkali, U. U. Department of Forestry Technology Yobe State College of Agriculture, Gujba, Damaturu, Yobe State, Nigeria
  • Shettima, U. K. Department of Forestry Technology Mohammed Lawan College of Agriculture Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria 


dryland, forest management, policies, challenges


Nigerian forest policies are said to be conflicting with a lot of duplications and inconsistences in formulation when compared with other countries of the world. The dryland areas consist of a number of potential uses as reflected in the number of trees and shrubs which are grouped. An Agroforestry initiative contributes greatly by increasing products and services on farm. The challenges in future dryland forest are enormous to all stakeholders which needs to create sustainable balance between utilisation and conservations. The management of dryland forest in Nigeria, its utilisation, policies and challenges are reviewed in this paper. 


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How to Cite

U., A. U., & K., S. U. (2023). Forest Management Practices Of The Dryland Zone Of Nigeria: Policies, Challenges And Utilisation . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 3(1), 118–122. Retrieved from


