The Effect Of Graded Levels Of Boiled And Dried Pigeon Pea Seed Meal On The Carcass Of Cockerels
Pigeon pea seed, boiling, cockerels, carcass characteristicsAbstract
A 15-week experiment was conducted to determine the effect of graded levels of boiled and dried pigeon pea meal on carcass characteristics of cockerels. In a completely randomized design, two hundred 1-week old Bovan nera (dominant black) cockerels were divided into 5 groups of 40 chicks containing 4 replicates of 10 chicks each. They were assigned five dietary treatments containing 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40% levels of boiled and dried pigeon pea seed meal in diets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Data obtained from the carcass measurements were subjected to analysis of variance using SPSS version 16. Processing reduced the levels of trypsin inhibitor, cyanide, tannins, and phytic acid, by 79.36 23.53, 99.06, and 6.07% respectively compared to the raw seed. Dressing percentage was not significantly affected by the inclusion of pigeon pea seed meal. There was no significant difference in dressing percentage amongst the pigeon pea seed-based diets. Carcass cut-up parts (breast, wings, thighs and drumsticks) were not affected by dietary pigeon pea levels. These results suggest that up to 30% boiled pigeon pea seed meal can be included in cockerel diets without adverse effects on the meat yielding components.
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