Domestic Water Use In Selected Settlements In The <i>Sudano-Sahelian </i> Region Of Nigeria


  • Ndabula, C. Deaprtment of Geography Wukari Jubilee University, Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria
  • Jidauna, G. G. Deaprtment of Geography Wukari Jubilee University, Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria




The study which adopted the survey design aimed at examining the coping strategy been adopted and the level of intensity of  water stress experience vis-à-vis domestic water use. Three Settlements in Sudano-Sahalian Region of Nigeria were selected  for the study using systematic - random sampling technique. Field  tools include a well structured questionnaire and Focus Group  Discussion (FGD). The household crowding index was computed as ten to twenty persons per household. The perception of the local dwellers was that there is increase water scarcity and most of the responses include long distance mileage to available sources of water, multiple re-use, and multiple water sources. Results showed that the Sudano-Sahelian region of Nigeria has  no  significant variation in its domestic water sources using the ANOVA statistical analysis. Therefore rain harvesting, conjunctive water uses, sinking of deeper boreholes, among others were recommended for the region.    


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How to Cite

C., N., & G., J. G. (2023). Domestic Water Use In Selected Settlements In The <i>Sudano-Sahelian </i> Region Of Nigeria. International Journal Water and Soil Resources Research (IJWSRR), 1(1-3), 1–11. Retrieved from


