Contextualizing the Perspective of the Elderly and Age Care Institution in Botswana


  • Kabo Diraditsile Social Sciences, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
  • Kemoyamodimo Gabajesane Social Works, University of Botswana
  • Gosego Ivy Mmeanyana Baisago University, Botswana.


Age care institution, elderly needs, social work, Botswana


The dynamics in the structure and functions of family along with the ongoing changes in social values have put a serious dent on the space the elderly had been enjoying, bringing age care institutions to the focus of discourse on ageing. The aim of this study is to examine the views of the elderly in Botswana with regard to age care institutions and to assess the current government interventions meant for the elderly care. This study adopts a cross-sectional qualitative research approach. The data are collected through in-depth face to face interviews. A sample of 30 elderly participants is drawn using purposive sampling technique, and data are analysed qualitatively. The findings confirm that despite challenges encountered by the elderly due to the new developments such as urbanization in Tswana traditional societies, they still find it culturally insensitive to be taken to an age care institution as a way of addressing their needs. The study reveals that it will take some time for the elderly population to adjust to the idea of age care institution. Consequently, the government should reserve funds mainly to be used for research on issues of the elderly to find out their needs and how to address them in a culturally sensitive manner. Also, to combat neglect of elderly by their family members a policy for the elderly should be introduced that will aim at enabling elderly people to live independently with high quality of life through provision of relevant social services.


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How to Cite

Diraditsile, K., Gabajesane, K., & Mmeanyana, G. I. (2017). Contextualizing the Perspective of the Elderly and Age Care Institution in Botswana. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 8(3), 117–128. Retrieved from


