Delinquency as Determinant of Insecurity of the School Environment in Katsina State, Nigeria


  • Mansur Haruna Department of Education, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina, Nigeria
  • T. I. Umar Department of Education, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina, Nigeria


school environment, insecurity, Delinquent behaviour


Delinquent behaviour often creates problems and disrupts peace of the school environment. This study investigates the teacher’s view on delinquency as determinants for the insecurity of the school environment. The study focuses on the extent of delinquency, factors responsible for delinquency among students that are responsible for the security challenges of the school environment. It also investigates the significant gender differences and differences between the urban and rural Federal Unity Schools in Katsina State. The population of the study consists of 192 senior staff. A sample of 127 staff is used. The results of the study reveal that bullying, stealing, fighting, destroying school property, and breaking school rules and regulations were the most prevalent delinquent acts among students. Broken home, peer group influence, lack of proper guidance service, mass media, poor religious upbringing, boarding schools system and mixed sex institutions as the common course of delinquent behaviours that are causing insecurity of the school environment. Based on the findings, constant orientation services for students on the dangers of delinquent attitudes, provision of proper psychological guidance, moral and religious counselling should be given wide scope for behavioural change is recommended among others


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How to Cite

Haruna, M., & Umar, T. I. (2015). Delinquency as Determinant of Insecurity of the School Environment in Katsina State, Nigeria. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 7(3), 13–18. Retrieved from


