Socio-political Conflicts and Violence in Nigeria’s Democracy in the Fourth Republic: The Case of Ekiti State


  • Tunde Ajayi Political Science Department College of Education, Ikere- Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria


conflictual, pervasive, poverty, hegemonic, homestead, Homogeneous


This study examined socio-political conflicts in Ekiti State, especially since the re-emergence of civilian democracy in 1999. It explained why minor sociopolitical disagreements in Ekiti State often degenerate into tenuous, violent and intractable communal upheavals of blood-letting proportions. As usual, for a work of this nature, examples were drawn from conflicts of the past and some lingering situations still begging for permanent resolution. While it may be true that economic poverty, elite manipulation or competition for scarce resources and underdeveloped political class are factors which always compound the Ekiti State problem, the study also draws attention to the fact that Ekiti State is not as homogeneous as often glibly assumed. The write - up goes ahead to suggest ways and means of achieving maximum homogeneity and social integration of the Ekiti society, as desirable steps for future resolution of socio-political conflicts.

Author Biography

Tunde Ajayi, Political Science Department College of Education, Ikere- Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Ajayi, T. (2012). Socio-political Conflicts and Violence in Nigeria’s Democracy in the Fourth Republic: The Case of Ekiti State. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 4(3), 10–17. Retrieved from


