Students' Dispositions Towards Sociology As A Career: A Case Study Of Selected Public Secondary Schools In Abeokuta Metropolis In Ogun State, Nigeria


  • Ajibade David Department of Sociology, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria.


Disposition, Sociology, Students, Career, Abeokuta


This study examined the dispositions of Senior Secondary School Students towards career in Sociology. A total of four hundred respondents were randomly selected from eight public secondary schools in Abeokuta metropolis. Data were generated through the use of both questionnaire and oral interview. Data generated through questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive technique such as frequency counts and percentage while data obtained through interview were content analysed. The study revealed among others that majority of the respondents who intend to enroll for tertiary educational degree/diploma after completion of their secondary school education are ignorant of the discipline of Sociology and this accounted for its low preference among the respondents as only 35.5 percent showed positive disposition towards career in Sociology while 63.7 percent preferred studying other courses and the remaining 0.8 percent were neutral. The study concludes with a set of recommendations which will help to popularize the course as well as arouse the interest of students in the discipline of Sociology

Author Biography

Ajibade David, Department of Sociology, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria.


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How to Cite

David, A. (2011). Students’ Dispositions Towards Sociology As A Career: A Case Study Of Selected Public Secondary Schools In Abeokuta Metropolis In Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 3(1), 85–92. Retrieved from


