Security Lapses And Loss Of Library Materials In Delta State University Library, Abraka, Nigeria


  • D. Emojorho Readers Services Library Delta State University Library, Abraka, Nigeria


dishonest users, electronic security, security lapses, Loss of library materials


Loss of library materials have been of great concern to Librarians or Information
Managers right from the onset. This study investigated the lapses and loss of
library materials in Delta State University, Abraka. A descriptive research design
of the ex-post facto was adopted in the study. The main instrument used for
collecting data was the questionnaire. From the target population of the university
students and staff, a total number of 150 were sampled however 148 respondents
completed their questionnaire. The study showed the various forms of security
lapses which resulted to loss of materials in the library. Based on the findings,
it was recommended that proper orientation on how to effectively use library
services should be organized regularly for all library staff and users.


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How to Cite

Emojorho, D. (2011). Security Lapses And Loss Of Library Materials In Delta State University Library, Abraka, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(3), 103–107. Retrieved from


