Development of Temperature Monitoring System via F. M. Transmission and Reception in Hospitals


  • K. A. Adegboye Department of Electrical/Electronics Engineering Osun State College of Technology, Esa-Oke, Osun State, Nigeria


Temperature Monitoring System, F. M. Transmission, Reception, Hospitals


The monitoring and controlling of temperature is imperative to many
applications both in engineering generally and in an industrial process.
In most cases, the use of thermometer as the primary sensing element is
inappropriate and this gives way to the discovery of transducers that
can actually measure physical variables and correspondingly converted
them into a form suitable for most industrial and engineering application.
In some industrial processes like determining the temperature of a
pasteurizer (a high temperature cubicle in Breweries, where Beer is denatured) is mostly determined by a Thermocouple or Thermopile but it
has limitation due to its poor sensitivity arising from the non-linear
response of its two dis-similar metals to temperature change. Thermistor
are particularly best suited for measuring temperature and produce a
change in resistance proportional to the temperature change. This paper
however discovered that the location of the measured object in relation
to the location of the observer determines the best medium that will enable
easy reading and analysis of the measured temperature. However, to
allow for flexibility and ease of location, air as a medium of
communication is preferred over cable which is the major pre-occupation
of this paper. This paper extensively discussed the method of employing
an electronic thermometer embedded with a very sensitive temperature
sensor as transmitter placed with the measurand and a highly sensitive
detecting element as receiver with the receptionist. The idea of this paper
would be best applied in the hospital where the measurand is the patient
on the sick bed and the receptionist is the medical doctor.


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How to Cite

Adegboye, K. A. (2013). Development of Temperature Monitoring System via F. M. Transmission and Reception in Hospitals. Journal of Chemical, Mechanical and Engineering Practices (JCMEP), 3(3), 1–10. Retrieved from


