Language Aptitude As A Veritable Variable That Influences The Learners' Achievement In French Language


  • Araromi Maxwell Olakunle Department of Teachers Education University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria


Language, aptitude, influences, learners, French


This paper looked critically at the concept of language aptitude as a veritable variable that influence the learners' achievement in a foreign language with particular emphasis on French language. The facts for this study are drawn from the review of related literature, personal observations and interactions. The study revealed among others that foreign language should not be made compulsory for all learners and if it is mandatory that
all learners should learn a foreign language, the objectives of learning such a foreign language should be well spelt out and the level of proficiency expected of the learners should be adequately stated so that the learner will identify with these objectives and work towards attaining the level of proficiency within the confine of his or her language aptitude. Conclusively,
it was stated that curriculum developers and educational policy makers should put into consideration the aptitude of the learners for learning a foreign language while designing programmes of foreign language learning and learners should be allowed to take charge of their learning and be involved in the learning process.




How to Cite

Olakunle, A. M. (2011). Language Aptitude As A Veritable Variable That Influences The Learners’ Achievement In French Language. Journal of Communication and Culture (JCC), 2(1), 36–41. Retrieved from


