The Media, Government And Social Contract: The Nigerian Pespective


  • Daniel Evans Eshett Department of Mass Communication Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria


The Media, Government, Social Contract, Freedom of Information Act


Governments in various parts of the world have always sought to use and
control the media as an appendage of government. Of all the institutional
linkages with government, government and media relationship or linkage
is the most noteworthy. And the nature of the relationship between the
media and government varies according to the political system in different
nations. The various nature of the relationship gave rise to the classical
four theories of the press which explain the varying relationships. The
obligation is summed up as upholding the responsibility and accountability
of the government to the people. This study aimed at examining the
relationship between the media and government in Nigeria in terms of the
social contract and functions of the media. It was concluded that instead
of trying to suppress the press or hinder access to information, government
should follow the path of due process and transparency in carrying out
the affairs of the State. Although the recently signed Freedom of Information
Act is yet to be tested, Nigeria and Nigerians will definitely come to terms
when the freedom of information Act is implemented.




How to Cite

Eshett, D. E. (2011). The Media, Government And Social Contract: The Nigerian Pespective. Journal of Communication and Culture (JCC), 2(1), 135–145. Retrieved from


