Stress Patterns and Intonations among the Annang Language Speaking Students of Faculty of Arts, Akwa Ibom State University


  • Sediong Ekeruke Akwa Ibom State University, Obio Akpa Campus


Non-natives, Annang, Stress, Intonation, Contrastive Analysis


A survey was conducted to evaluate stress patterns and intonations. It focuses on the aspects of stress forms and intonations on the pronunciation of the English Language by the Annang language speaking Students of the Faculty of Arts, Akwa Ibom State University. This study tested Twenty (20) Annang students of the Faculty of Arts across all Departments. There have always been some challenges by the non-natives on the segmental nature of the pronunciation of English words, the sounds and sound change. Unarguably, the highest percentage of the problems is the aspects of non-segmental phonology. Annang Students of Akwa Ibom State University do not use English often, thereby exposing them to pronunciation problems as there is no fluency and accuracy in their speeches. This study uses the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis to study English Stress and Intonation patterns among Annang students of Akwa Ibom State University, Faculty of Arts. The most common mistake of intonation among participants is the use of the wrong pitch; wrong stress patterns and intonation cause misunderstanding and even an unfavourable impression of a person. The Students' poor performance in English communication was attributed to linguistic prosody.


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How to Cite

Ekeruke, S. (2024). Stress Patterns and Intonations among the Annang Language Speaking Students of Faculty of Arts, Akwa Ibom State University. Journal of Communication and Culture (JCC), 12(3), 163–172. Retrieved from