Imperative of Communication Strategy to Farmers in the Adoption and Decision Processes of Disseminating Information on Agricultural Products in Africa


  • O. C. Nwankwo Abia State College of Education (Technical), Arochukwu, Nigeria


Communication, Dissemination, Adoption, Innovation


Communication is an important diffusion element under which scientific
information is shared on ideas, facts and knowledge between individuals or
groups. This work takes a look at the Imperative of Communication Strategy to
Farmers in the Adoption and Decision Processes of Disseminating Information
on Agricultural Products in Africa. The study observes that the appropriate
joining and articulating of the six crucial communication elements (services,
message, channel, receivers, effect and feedbacks) determine the extent of diffusion
of innovations. Based on the foregoing, the study maintains that effectiveness of
communication and association sustainability in diffusion process depends on
communication skill (ability to select the best media for communication),
knowledge of the subject matter, attitude towards self and audience and prevalent
culture of environment.


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How to Cite

Nwankwo, O. C. (2015). Imperative of Communication Strategy to Farmers in the Adoption and Decision Processes of Disseminating Information on Agricultural Products in Africa. Journal of Communication and Culture (JCC), 6(2), 8–16. Retrieved from


