The First Becoming The Last: An Exegetical Study Of Matthew 19:23-30


  • G. A. Umahi Department of Religious Studies Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Nigeria
  • N. C. Wogu ICT Unit, Pioneer Seventh-day Adventist Church Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Nigeria


This study take a critical look at what the passage (Matthew 19:23-30) meant to those who first heard or read it (Vymeister 2001) by identifying the main forte of the dialogue in the passage through an exegetical process. The actual process of exegesis used include: definition of the literary unit, translation and textual
problems, genre and structure, and interpretation which will take into account historical, grammatical and syntactical issues which stand out in this periscope. The issue of “the first being the last”, as posited by Jesus during His discussion with the rich young man cum His disciples has been variously understood by scholars and others. What did Jesus mean when He said that it is very hard for the rich person to enter into the kingdom of heaven, accentuating this impossibility with the saying that "it is easier for the camel to go through the eye of the needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Using the exegetical method of inquiry, we found that the view which is common, that the rich person cannot go to heaven, was faulty. As long as the rich is willing to make the necessary sacrifices, he or she can be part of the kingdom. Besides, both the
early comers to Christ and those who came later will receive the same reward. Therefore, whoever the first is, whether the disciples or the Jews, those who will
later make it to the kingdom of God as the last will also be treated as the first

Author Biography

G. A. Umahi, Department of Religious Studies Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Nigeria




How to Cite

Umahi, G. A., & Wogu, N. C. (2011). The First Becoming The Last: An Exegetical Study Of Matthew 19:23-30. Journal of Communication and Culture (JCC), 2(3), 75–81. Retrieved from


