Management of Bovine Trypanosomiasis with Medicinal Plants in Taraba State, Nigeria


  • T. Salihu Nigeria Natural Medicine Development Agency, Kofo Abayomi Street, Victoria Island Lagos.
  • S. A. Ameen Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria
  • C. O. Mbaoji Nigeria Natural Medicine Development Agency, Kofo Abayomi Street, Victoria Island Lagos.
  • C. A. Anoruo-Dibia Nigeria Natural Medicine Development Agency, Kofo Abayomi Street, Victoria Island Lagos.
  • R. O. A. Arowolo Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria


Chemotherapy, Ethnoveterinary, Ethnopharmacology, Medicinal plants Bovine trypanosomosis


This work is designed to document ethnoveterinary practices used in the treatment
of animal trypanosomosis by Fulani herdsmen in Taraba State, Nigeria. Eight
Local Government Areas of Taraba State, Nigeria were selected for the survey.
Sixty four herdsmen with good knowledge of livestock diseases and
ethnoveterinary practices were interviewed. Data were presented on tables and
analysed using simple percentage and frequency count as well as graphs. The
results show among others that Fulani herdsmen are vast in ethnoveterinary
knowledge. Some of the plants documented to be used by them have demonstrated
antitrypanocidal activity, while some of them have not being investigated.




How to Cite

Salihu, T., Ameen, S. A., Mbaoji, C. O., Anoruo-Dibia, C. A., & Arowolo, R. O. A. (2013). Management of Bovine Trypanosomiasis with Medicinal Plants in Taraba State, Nigeria. International Journal of Health and Medical Information (IJHMI), 3(1), 24–33. Retrieved from


