The YouWiN Entrepreneurship Programme and National Development in Nigeria


  • Okpanachi Odiji Department of Political Science, Wesley University, P.M.B. 507, Ondo City, Nigeria
  • Okorie Nwoke Department of Business Administration, Wesley University, P.M.B. 507, Ondo City, Nigeria
  • Adewale Adeseke Department of Economics. Both in Wesley University, P.M.B. 507, Ondo City, Nigeria.


YouWiN, entrepreneurship, national development, utilitarianism, Nigeria


While so many attempts have been made by the Nigerian state to engage its
teeming unemployed youths in public and private services, the Youth Enterprise With Innovation in Nigeria (YouWiN) is yet another employment generation strategy of the government but this time with the aim of igniting the entrepreneurship potentials of the Nigerian youth population to enable them create jobs for themselves. This work attempts to review this laudable initiative weighing its strengths and weaknesses and the philosophy behind its conception. Exploring the utilitarian theory of ethical conduct alongside the felicific and ethical calculus to appraise the rationale behind the programme, and taking cognisance of predominant infrastructural deficit in the country, the study concludes that the YouWiN idea though sounding noble, was actually a miscalculation in view of the near absence of those social amenities that should have aided the achievement of the long-term objectives of the policy.




How to Cite

Odiji, O., Nwoke, O., & Adeseke, A. (2016). The YouWiN Entrepreneurship Programme and National Development in Nigeria. International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment (IJEDRI), 7(1), 8–15. Retrieved from


