Political Consciousness and Rural Development in Nigeria: Adopting Kingdom’s Tripple-Streams Model in the Study of Azumini Ndoki Community in Abia State


  • Dick Uduma (Ph.D) an Associate Professor of Political Science
  •   Emmanuel Shebbs Department of Political Science, Abia State University, Uturu, Nigeria
  • Celestine Nwosu Department of Political Science, Abia State University, Uturu, Nigeria.
  • Allens Iheonu Department of Political Science, Abia State University, Uturu, Nigeria


Rural Development, Political Participation, Political Culture, Rural Politics, Political Consciousness, Azumini


This study examines Political Consciousness and Rural Development in Nigeria, adopting Kingdom's Tripple-Streams Model in the Study of Azumini Ndoki Community in Abia State. A sample of 172 respondents is randomly selected from Azumini Ndoki community and structurally interviewed based on the development interventions in the community as well as their levels of political participation. Data obtained are presented on tables and charts and arranged in percentage. Simple statistical and quantitative methods are used for analysis of the data obtained and judgment drawn based on simple polemics within the frame and logic of the theoretical framework of Kingdom (1995). The major finding is that the rural people do not receive sufficient level of political orientation being reason why the rural areas in Nigeria have not witnessed sufficient level of development. It argues that Rural Development is tangential to the political consciousness of the people. The research recommends emphasis on civic education and civil rights orientation for the rural people rather than piecemeal development interventions. Instead of progressive humanitarian projects and interventions, government and private organizations should train the rural dwellers to understand the political statuesque of the State where they belong and understand the rights and privileges therein as well as understand how to - build social formations at the grassroots level.


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