Good Governance and Consolidation of Democracy in Nigeria: Issues and Prospects
Democracy, good governance, transformation, development and challengesAbstract
After 18 years of return to civil rule, Nigeria continues to grapple with the challenges of democratic consolidation and good governance. All efforts by successive civilian governments to entrench true democracy and good governance in the country seem to have met brick walls in which for every step, two are lost. The generality of Nigeria, had expected that the return to democratic rule in the country in 1999 will usher in a new dawn. These optimism, hope and great expectation seem to have been dashed. This work interrogates this state of affair and shed lights on those critical elements in the country's democratic experiment that tend to frustrate the enthronement of democracy and good governance. The work recommends among others, transformational leadership that works the talk, policy of inclusiveness, effective fight against corruption and free and fair elections as the way forward for domestication of democracy and good governance in the country.
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