The Influence of Culture on Judgment and Decision Making


  • Ignatius Odongo Doctoral Candidate, Graduate School of Management, Monarch University, Zug, Switzerland and a private consultant based in Johannesburg, South Africa


Culture, Judgement and Decision Making, Hofstede, Schwarz


This study explores the influence of culture on judgement and decision making and arrives at three key conclusions: (a) there are indeed cultural differences in the world which impact on the way people make judgements and arrive at decisions; (b) individuals are affected and influenced by their national cultures; and (c) individuals who ultimately make decisions also bring on their personal characteristics. The challenge, however, is to find a way to clearly link these three aspects and develop a model that can predict or better explain culture in relation to judgement and decision making. The impact of national cultures on decision making was analysed and the conclusion is that national cultures only partially influence decision making, other factors including individual variables, organisational cultures, educational systems, as well as institutional arrangements that bind society. The evaluation of Hofstede’s cultural framework has shown that although it drew attention to cultural differences in the world, criticisms labelled against it indicate that whereas there is no better alternative, its application cannot be conclusive. The review is especially informative to leaders and managers who engage in cross-cultural dealings as a clear understanding of cultural influences is key to successful international relationships.


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