Women in the Parliament of Uganda (2001-2011): Issues and Legislations to Improve the Status of Women
Women in the Parliament, Uganda, Status of Women, LegislationsAbstract
This study reviews Women in the Parliament of Uganda (2001-2011). The aim is to ascertain Issues and Legislations to Improve the Status of Women in Uganda. It is observed that despite the fact that women play significant role not only at the family level but also at the national level, their effort is marginally recognised. The views express are consistent with USAID Report on “Commercial Legal and Institutional Reform in Uganda’s Agriculture”, where it was pointed out that 70 per cent of all small-holder farmers are women and they are responsible for 70 per cent agricultural GDP. The review of parliamentary debate proceedings sampled for the study showed that discussion of women on the review of the 1997 National Gender Policy and Framework received a lot of input from women MPs. It is stressed further that women produce 90 per cent of Uganda’s total food output and 50 per cent of total cash crop production. But the government, particularly the Ministry of Agriculture, lacks a supportive organisational structure to encourage women for increased productivity. Finally, the study findings show that the presence of women in the Parliament had enabled them to substantially articulate women’s issues. This proposes that increased women’s presence in the Parliament has been of significant importance in facilitating feminized legislation in collaboration with their male counterparts.
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