Salient Issues in the Legal Framework for the Sustenance of Agricultural Practice in Nigeria


  • Agbasi, M. N Assistant Lecturer at College of Law, Afe Babalola University Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.


Farming, agriculture, enterprise, , principles of law


The earth has been groaning under the burden of dysfunctional farming methods laden with infrastructure that do not meet prescribed standards. The need for enhanced integration may be better appreciated, given the fact that agriculture supports life in all ramifications. The ultimate goal therefore, will be to enable the public understand the concept of sustainability. We are called to expand our connections to the earth; to seek for alternate ways of dealing with the earth in order to preserve our waters, the air and the soil, which is the soul of life. Hence, this study reviews the salient issues in the legal framework for the sustenance of agricultural practices in Nigeria. It is the view of this author that while methods of farming and agriculture differ from region to region, there is a common trend that follows the endeavour in terms of massive degradation to the environment. It becomes necessary therefore that agriculture has to imbibe sustainable holistic practises that ensure a balance between the increasing pursuit for economic affluence by the various stakeholders and the legitimate concerns about the environment. This can only be achieved by reducing the multitude of factors that pre-dispose the environment to harm from agriculture. This will be a well guided balancing act and unique relationship that ensures that the farmer is well supported to function efficiently and effectively in a manner that complements the environment.


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