The Relevance of Public Complaints Commission to Nigeria's Democratic Development
Public Complaint Commission, Act, OmbudsmanAbstract
The paper critically examines the statutory provisions on the Public Complaint Commission (hereinafter called the Commission), and make appropriate suggestions for reform. The Public Complaints Commission is a statutory creation with wide powers of inquiry and investigation: it has wide powers to receive complaints from members of the public against maladministration and misuse of administrative machinery by any public authority and companies or their officials. In Nigeria like other developing countries, the use of administrative power by officers of government and their institutions to oppress, victimize and discriminate against the citizenry is quite common and rampant. The use of administrative powers to flagrantly abuse the citizen's human rights and freedom is also a common occurrence. Thus, there is the need for government to intervene and take definite action to stem this problem that is gradually embarrassing the government, which led to the promulgation of the Public Complaints Commission Decree 311 (now ACT)2 of 1975.
The Federal Military Government of Nigeria promulgated the Public Complaints Commission Degree 31 on the 16th October, 1975
Public Complaints Commission Act. Cap. 37, Laws of the Federation 2004.
Ombudsman. Wikipedia. Accessed on 1st October 2010
For example, there are Estate Agents Ombudsman, Financial Ombudsman Service, Health Service Ombudsman Housing Ombudsman Service, Legal Services Ombudsman, Local Government Ombudsman, Northern Island Ombudsman, Police Ombudsman for Northern Island, Parliamentary Ombudsman, pensions Ombudsman Prisons and Probation Ombudsman, Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, Removals Industry Ombudsman Scheme, Scottish Legal Services Ombudsman, Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, Telecommunications Ombudsman.
Przwouski, A. Stakes, S.C. and Monin, B (Eds) (1999) Democracy, Accountability and Representation, Cambridge/New York, Cambridge University Press.
See, http// on 1st October, 2010
Better known as Udoji Report 1974
Each state of the federation then, has one commissioner each.
Roy W, Davies; quasi – Judicial Review: The European Ombudsman An Alternative to the European courts; (2000) I web JCLI
Compbell, K (1997), “Access to European community official information” internationals and comparatively law quarterly 174
S2 of the public commissions Act L.F.N. 2004
S2 (6) of the public commissions Act L.F.N. 2004
S3 (2)of the public commissions Act L.F.N. 2004
Persion Act
S.4 (5) Public Complaints Commission Act, cop 37 LFN 2004
The European Ombudsman was established by the Maastricht Treaty (see Article 228 of the treaty on the functions of the EU)
The European Ombudsman was established by the Maastricht Treaty (see Article 228 of the treaty on the functions of the EU)
S 2 (3) Public Complaints Commission Act cop 37 LFN.
European Ombudsman 1995:24
S. 5 (1) cap 37 LFN 2004
S.5 (2) cap 37 LFN 2004
S. 5 (3) (2).
Oluyede, Nigerian Administrative Law.
Oluyede, Public Complaints Commission in a presidential systems with particular reference to Nigeria, 1983, N.I.A.L.S. Lagos, Nigeria.
He went on to say that in year 2004, 14, 873 cases were reported, and only 9,730 was resolved and 5,143 were left pending, see 2 Nyang Vincent Yaro, lawyers literate and you pay, we mediate and its free “in sun news publishing of Saturday, July 22, 2006.
The European Ombudsman, could HE HELP YOU? The complaints guide form.
English Bahasa Malaysia, Mandurin and Tamul
Malaysia racks sheet. Pdf this web first introduced in 1985 known as circuit in accordance with the public, public service development administrative service circular No 4 of 1992. The focus had been rural areas/remote locations.
S 5(2) (c) Cop 37 LFN 2004
S 5 (7)Cop 37 LFN 2004
S 5 (2) (d) Cop 37 LFN 2004 .
S 5 (2) (e) Cop 37 LFN 2004
Nyang Vincent Yaro, Sun News publishing, supra.
Sun News publishing of Saturday, July 22, 2006. Op cit
Courts, National Assembly, Council of States and President.
Oluyede op cit.
Quoted and explained above.
S 5 (7) cap 37, LFN 2004
S 8 (2) cap 37, LFN 2004
S 8 (2) cap 37, LFN 2004
S 5 (5) cap 37, LFNs 2004
S 7 (1) cap 37, LFNs 2004
S 7 (1) cap 37, LFNs 2004
S 7 (2)
S 7 (2)
P. Norton, “The Tanzanian Ombudsman” (1993) International and Comparative law quarterly, 22
S 2(2), Ombudsman Act 1995
S 13 Ombudsman Act 1995
Charles Manga Fonibad, “The Enhancement of good assessment of the Ombudsman Act, 1995” (2001) Journal of southern African Studies, vol. 27, No. 1 p. 57.
S 3(1) (a) Ombudsman Act 1995
S 3(a) Ombudsman Act 1995
S 3(1) (b) Ombudsman Act 1995
S 4. The Ombudsman Act excludes the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman in ten specified areas. While these includes all the areas mentioned in the Nigerian provisions, many others have been included. e.g. S 10 excludes actions taken with respect to orders or directions to the Botswana Police force or Defense force or member thereof.
The collegiate system has been criticized, see McAustan and Ghai, “Constitutional Innovation and Political Stability in Tanzanian- a Preliminary Assessments (1966) 4 journal of modern African studies 504.
See Act No. 25 of 1966, the first schedule, for list of organizations include.
Particle M. Nortan, The Tanzanian Ombudsman” (1973) The international and corporative law quarterly, vol. 22, No. p.603. may be read in http://www.jster,org/stable/757658(accessed on 05/10/ 2010).
Peterson, J and Shakeleton, M. (eds) The Institution of the European Union, (2002), Oxford University press.
Paul Megnette, op.cits. p. 2
http://www.Ombudsmaneuropa .eulresources/statute/ faces. (accessed on 10/10/10) (accessed on 10/10/10)
See regulation (EC) NO104/2001 for public access to European parliament, council and commission documents el 30 May, 2001.