Implication of the Political and Economic factors in the rise of “Boko Haram” insurgence in Nigeria
State Failure, Elite-Class Competition, Alienation, Boko Haram, ViolenceAbstract
This paper seeks to contextualize the political and economic factors in the rise of the phenomenon of Boko Haram in Nigeria. It argued that Boko Haram represents a very complex matrix of both domestic and international dimensions that have also fueled extremism by Non-State Agencies (NSAs) in Nigeria since the 1980s. This paper demonstrates how 'political elites' have used 'religion' to increased 'bargaining power' and 'political space', as well as compete for access to 'state power', in the light of the incidences of 'state failure' and 'alienation in Nigeria. The paper further holds that Boko Haram represents the realities, exigencies, intricacies and extricacies of the nature of politics in the neo colonial Nigerian State, i.e. the politics of violence and the violence of politics by the elite class. To this end, this paper recommends among others that good governance, accountability, transparency and equity would restore governmental legitimacy.
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