Corporate Litigation and the Majority Rule: Retreating from the Precipice
Corporate Litigation, Majority Rule, Minority ProtectionAbstract
Corporate litigation is one of the methods of resolving both internal and external corporate disputes; however Company Laws all over the world establishe a number of different forums for the resolution of internal corporate disputes that occur between directors inter se, shareholders inter se, or between shareholders and directors. However the Majority rule seems to undermine the rights of the minority share holders to seek redress for wrongs committed against the company. Thus the need to protect the minority members of the company and retreat from the precipice of the Majority rule. To enhance the protection of the minority, the Supreme Court's decision in Edokpolo & Company Ltd v. Sem - Edo Wire Industries Ltd1, which added an exception to the list of exceptions to the majority rule stating that the rule in Foss v. Harbottle will not apply when the interest of justice requires it, should be included to the statutory exceptions under CAMA. Consequently, judicial authorities suggest that the law is closing gradually on the rule in Foss v. Harbottle with a demolishing hammer; therefore I would recommend in line with the tide of informed opinion, that sections like section 2992 should be reviewed appropriately to meet the changing faces of law because "the reason of law is the soul of law; ratio legis est anima legis".
(1984) 7 S. C 119
Cap 20 Laws of the Federation 2004 (herein after referred to as CAMA).
Preamble to the International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration (ICC Rules)
Gower and Davies, 2003, Principles of Modern Company Law, 7th Edition, London, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd,
page 100.
(1742) ATK p. 400
(1957) 1 Q.B 159
(1843) 2 HARE 461
(1847) 1 PH 790
(1973) N.S.C.C 451 at 457
(1993) 6 NWLR 570
Companies and Allied Matters Act, Cap 20 Laws of the Federation 2004
Orojo J. O (1976) Nigerian Company Law & Practice, London Sweet & Maxwell Limited, 1st Edition,
page 95.
(1973) 4 S.C 63
Sasegbon D. (1991) Nigerian Companies & Allied Matters Law & Practice, Nigeria DSC Publications, 1st
Edition, page 472.
See Elufioye & Ors. v. Halilu & Ors. supra
See Mozley v. Alston (1847) 1 PH 790
Barnes K. D (1992) Case and Materials on Nigerian Company Law, Ile-Ife Obafemi Awolowo University
Press Limited, page 346.
Companies and Allied Matters Act, Cap 20 Laws of the Federation 2004
(1984) 7 S. C 119
See section 994 of the Act.
See section 252 of the Act
Salomon v. Salomon (1987) A. C 22 H.L
(1883) 25 Ch. D. 320 CA
(1984) 7 S. C 119
(1883) 25 Ch. D. 320 CA
CAMA supra (1984) 7 S. C 119 supra supra CAMA