Twelve Years Of Democracy In Nigeria And The Imperative For Rapid Development: The Journey So Far


  • Ajayi, T. Political Science Department College of Education, Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria


Democracy In Nigeria, Twelve Years, Rapid Development, imperative for rapid development., citizens


The aim of this study was to examine critically the twelve years of democracy in Nigeria between 1999 and 2011, and the imperative for rapid development. This study is reviewed within the twelve years that Nigeria started this journey on a "neutral course" and there is a need to find out how far and well we have traversed this course. This paper shared the truth that it is never too late to make a new start, if necessary. The appeal of this work lies in the fact that this is not a foreign critique of Nigeria's democracy as the study cannot be accused of hypocrisy, conspiracy or "bad belle". This, indeed, is a patriotic assessment of the tender and genuine steps taken, so far, towards optimal democracy. This presentation would attempt to find out why the black man prefers to turn the operations of democracy upside down. Why has it continued to be difficult to organize free and fair elections in the Dark Continent? The implication is that democracy has not grown firm roots in the terrain of the upcoming generation.

That is a recipe for disaster. Democracy must be made appealing to the younger generation. It is in them that the taproot of democracy must be sown. The inability to popularize democratic tenets among the youths is the greatest evidence of slow pace and inertia in our democratic quest. However, our leaders still have time to address all these shortcomings and to make a new determined start. On the part of the citizens, prayer for men and women of sterling character and spirit might be a good starting point. 



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