Relationship Between Environment, Ethical Values And The Nigerian Public Service


  • Ladipo, O. O. Office of Deputy Director of Studies Administrative staff College of Nigeria (ASCON) Topo - Badagry, Lagos State.


Environment, Relationship, Ethical Values And The Nigerian Public Service, institutions


Enhancing and maintaining public trust in the institutions of government is fundamental to the work of public servants. Ethical values provide the basis for judgments about what is important for the organization to succeed in its core business. It is against this backdrop that this paper takes a cursory look at the role played by the socio-economic environment on people's performance in the organization. It established that an individual's ethical development occurs before entering an organization. It however concluded that it is essential for organizations to identify and establish ethical standards through rules and regulations. The Public Service Rules (2008) and the Civil service Handbook provides these rules for public officers in Nigeria. 


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