Legal Knowledege Of Tort Liablity For Teachers In The Nigerian Schools


  • Nakpodia, E. D. Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.


Teachers, Legal Knowledge, Tort, Liability, Schools, Nigeria


This paper reviewed teachers' knowledge of tort liability in Nigerian secondary schools. Based on this, the paper deals with civil and criminal law, relationship and resemblance between crime and tort, tort and contract, constituents of tort, wrongful act, damage, damnum sine injuria (damage without injury), injuria sine damno (injury without damage), remedy, the teacher and victimless crimes in schools, some general conditions in torts, intention, motive, negligence and recklessness, malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance, and Fault. However, opinion among jurist differ as regard tort liability. The tort law has been developed and rooted in the legal arena.


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