Women'S Rights' Protection: Globalization Or Localization?


  • Mojisola Eseyin Faculty of Law, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria


Globalization, Localization, Women’s Right Protection, Citizenship


Contextually, the issue of globalization is a socio-political phenomenon. The issue of women's rights is also a socio-political issue. Howbeit, legal implications predicated on them remove them from mere social concerns to the issues of law. Law has its root in culture. This work advocated therefore, caution in the application of globalization euphoria to the issue of women's rights, as their protection is far beyond legal and globalization cosmetics, but entrenched in the application of a more holistic approach. It encouraged an enhancement of women's civil, political and social rights of citizenship, and engagement in transnational solidarity to promote women's human rights across the globe.


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Article 3.

a "A woman police officer who is desirous of marrying must first apply in writing to the Commissioner of Police for the State Police Command in which she is serving, requesting permission to marry and giving the name, address, and occupation of the person she intends to marry. Permission will be granted for the marriage if the intended husband is of good character and the women Police Officer has served in the forced for a period of not less than 3 years."

b "An unmarried woman Police Officer who becomes pregnant shall be discharged from the Force, and shall not be re-enlisted except with the approval of the Inspector General"

c (fn. 17 above) at 46.

Art 3. See also Art 2 of the UDHR.

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National Tribunal on Violence Against Women in Nigeria. CIRDDOC public Education series No. 15 p.10

National Tribunal on Violence Against Women in Nigeria. CIRDDOC public Education series No. 15. p.23.

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