Trust Law And The Administration Of Real Property In Nigeria


  • Ibrahim Abdulkarim Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria


Trust, Administration, Law, real property


It was very rare in the past to hear of Individual title of land holding. It is a practice that was hardly known to customary law. This was looked upon as being repugnant to natural phenomena among Nigerians. The only systems of landholding known to the people then were communal and family holding. This indeed, was the gradual development of Individual land holding. Recent times have bring about the concept of trust in real property administration. The main characteristic of a trust is that a property is vested on the trustees not for their own benefits, but for the benefit of the beneficiaries. Instead of giving the property directly to the beneficiaries, the donor creates or establish a trust (a management institution) under a trust who will not only manage and safeguard the trust property and apply it in the manner directed, but will also make it productive. This study therefore was concerned primarily with examining trust law and the administration of real property in Nigeria.


Oluyede P.A.O Modern Nigeria Land Evans Brothers, Ibadan, (1989) P. 6

Aboki Y. Customary Law Tenure and Land use Act. The Role of Local Government in land administration in Nigeria. Law in Society a Journal of the Law Society A.B.U. Zaria 1998


Kodilinye G. An Introduction to Equity in Nigeria Sweet & Maxwell (1915) PP. 57 - 58. 5Trustee Investments Act.

Keeton, the Law of Trust (6th Ed) 1963 P. 14 Spence, Court of Chancery (1846)

See Spence, Court of Chancery (1846) Vol. 1 P. 435.

Blackstone's Commentary (Lewis Ed) BK 2. 327 - 29

Spence, Court of Chancery (1846) Vol. 1. P. 435 - 36.

Spence Ibid

Knight V Knight (1840) 49, ER 58 Brown v Higgs (1801 - 3) 32 E.R. 473

Equity jurisprudence (14th Ed) Vol. II PP. 649 - 50 (1918)

Maitland Equity (Brunyate Ed. 1949) P. 32

Maitland; Collected Papers Vol. III PP. 321 - 404

Homes, Early English Equity uses. IL Q Rev (1885) 162 A4 P. 164

Hold worth, History of English Law (1924) Vol. IV 410 - 417

Ames, The Origin of Uses and Truts 21 Harv. L. Rev 261 at 261 (1907)

Holmes, Early English Equity Uses I L. Quen (1885) 162

Scott on Trust, Vol. 1 (2nd Ed) 1956 P. 4

Scott on Trust (2nd Ed) Vol. 1 P. 20

Ibid at 24

The law of Trusts (8th Ed.) p. 3

Moffat, G. Trusts Law, Text and materials, Butterworths, London (1994) p. 3

Garner Bryan A. (Eln) Black's Law Dictionary Seventh Edition West Group St Paul, minn 199

Nwabueze, B.O. Nigerian Land Law Nwamife Pubers Enugu 1973, p. 7.

See Black's Law Dictionary, St. Paul Minn. West Publishing Co. (5th Edition) P. 997.

Nwabueze, B.O. op. cit.

(1921) AC 399 at 404

(1980) 1 N.L.R. 82

Ibid at p. 86.

Yakubu M.G. Nigerian Land Law Macmillan (1981) P. 59 - 60

Ibid. 33Ibid. 34Ibid.

Niki Tobi Cases and Materials on Land Law (1992)

(1981) 6 - 7 Sc. 115 - 116

(1981)5 Sc. P. 33 at 58

(1985)2 WLR Page 195

Yakubu M.G. Nigerian Land Law Macmillan (1981) P. 59.


Yakubu M.G. Nigerian Land Law Macmillan (1981) P. 59 - 60

See Allot, Essays in African Law P. 70

Yakubu M.G. Nigeria Land Law Macmillan (1981) p. 60.


Political Memoranda No. 10. Para. 11

Amodu Tijjani v Secretary, Southern Provinces (1921) 3NLR 24

Ibid p.60

Ibid p.60

Ibid P. 60

Yakubu M.G. Nigerian Land Law Macmillan (1981) 51Ibid

Asante, Propertyi Law and Social Goals ion Gana Acc. 1975. P. 88.

Abude v Onono (1946)12 WACA 102 at 104

See Amodu Tijjani v Secretary Southern Provinces (Supra)

See Adedire v Ife Divisional Council (1963) 1 All DCR 30

Ogunmefun v. Ogunmefun (1931) 10 N.L.R. 82, also Adesoy vs. Taiwo (1956) 1 FSC 84. 57Ibid.

Adagun v. Fagbola (1943) 11 N.L.R. 110. 59Bassey v. Cobham (1924) 5 N.L.R. 90. 60Kosoko v. Kosoko (1975) 13 N.L.R. 131. 61Ibid.


(1909) 1 N.L.R. 81

(1929)9 N.L.R. 84 at P. 85 there it was stated that the headship of a house belongs as of right to the senior male member of the house.


(2004) All F.W.L.R.P. 407 at 409

(1941)6 N.L.R. 26 at P. 27

Elias. T. O. Nigerian Land Law Sweet and Maxwell, London 1971 (ed) p. 105. 69(1962) L.L.R. 32.

James R.W. Modern Land Law of Nigeria University of Ife Press Ile - Ife Nigeria (1973)

Taiwo v Sarumi (1913)2 N.L.R. 84

Seventh Edition

Adagun v. Fagbola (1943) 11 N.L.R 100.

Lewis v Bankole (1909)1NLR82.

James R.W. Modern Land Law of Nigeria University of Ife Press Ile Nigeria (1973)

Yakubu M.G Nigrerian Land Law Macmillan (1981) P.64

(1924)5 N.L.R. 90


Aregbe v Adeoye & anor (1974) 5 N.L.R 53


The headmen could of course bring a fresh action to restrain the defendants from interfering with their undoubted rights under local law and custom.

Adegbite v Lawal (1948)12 WACA 398

Id p.64


(1965) NMLR 3

(1936) 13 N.L.R. 131

Lewis v Bankole (1909) 1 NLR 82.


Thomas v. Thomas & anor. (1932)16 N.L.R. 5

James R.W (Supra)


Coker v Coker (1938) 14 N.L.R. 83

James R.W. (Supra) at P 88.

Suit No. 20163, Ondo Grade 'B' Customary Court


Ibid P. 89

Yakubu M.G. (Supra) P.63

Amodu Tijjani V. Secretary, Southern Province (Supra)

(1947) 18 N.L.R 117

Supra at p. 123 also Akanda v. Akanda (1966) NBJ 86

(1961) LLR 217


(1923) 5 NLR 19

Nwabueze B.O. Nigerian Land Law (Supra)

Ife V. Chief Adechire (Supra)

Ajibola v. Ajibola (1947) 18 NLR 125



(1892) AC 644

(1921) AC 399

Okiji v. Adejobi (1960) 5 FSC 44 at 47

(1906) 1 N.L.R. 82 at 104

(1904) 1 N.L.R. 57

Meek, Land Tenure and Land Administration in Nigeria (1957) P. 113

(1931) 10 W.L.R. 36

Meek, Law and Authority in Nigeria Tribe

Madaki A.M. land Policy and Administration in Nigeria Assessment of the Land Use Act: LL.M thesis 2005 p. 43.

A piece of family land was recently alienated to me to build my house

Adenie v. Olude (2002) 18 NWLR pt. 81 p. 235, Nzekwu v. Nzekwe & others (1981) 2 NWLR pt. 104, Adeleke v. Iyanda (2001) 13 NWLR

Pt. 729 p. 1, Jiaza v. Bambose (1999) 7 NWLR pt. 610 p.182 at 192.

William Fra "Integration in the field of Land Law" Integration of Customary and Modern Legal System in Africa, University of Ife Press 1971 at pp. 206 - 207.

(1998) 9 NWLR Part 567 P. 546

Ajeje Vajayi (1969) 1 All NLR 72

Ekependu V. Erika (1949) 4 FSC 59.

Section 21 Land Use Act 1978

S.L.A. 1882, S.6

See Megary and Wade, the Law of Real Property (4th ed) Chap. 6.

See O.R. Marshal, A Critique of the property legislation of Western Nigerian (1965)1 Nigeria LT 151 at P. 152

See S.33 Property and Conveyancing Law 1959

Ibid S. 17(1)

Ibid S. 36

See S. 8(1) Trustee Law, Cap. 125 Laws of Western Nigeria 1959

Ibid. S. 11

Ibid S. 28

Speight V. Gaunt (1883) 9 APP. Case 1

(1887) 12 App. Cas 727 at P. 733

Cap 44 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990

See generally SS. 2 & 3 of the Act

The Schedule names Securities of National Electric Power Authority (NEPA)





