The Mechanisms Of Corporate Meetings Under The Companies And Allied Matters Act (Cama) 1990


  • Oluwasegun Isaac Aderibigbe


Mechanism, Corporate meeting, CAMA


The purpose of this study was to assess the mechanism of corporate meetings under the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) 1990. This review revealed two major types of meetings, public meetings convened by individuals or bodies to which there is an open invitation extended to any member of the public, and meetings of bodies of which the members are limited and known. However, the study was preoccupied with the second category. Therefore, there is the need for the various Legislatures of countries to work towards enacting effective and efficient company legislation to that effect. It is recommended among others that in Nigeria that the fine of N50 for every day of default to hold a statutory meeting should be reviewed to be punitive.


Hereinafter referred to as CAMA

The Law Book Company Ltd. 10th Edition. Allahabad India page 87.

(1876) 2 QBD 26

(1947) S.C 325

(1911) 1 CH. 163

(1989) 1 All E.R 561

(1875) LR 10 QB 329


See Section 211 (2) CAMA

Ibid section 211 (4) CAMA

Ibid section 211 (8) CAMA

Ibid section 211 (5) CAMA

Ibid Section 211 (6) CAMA

Ibid section 211 (7) CAMA

(1912) 1 Ch. 700

See section 211 (9) CAMA

Ibid section 211 (10) CAMA

Ibid Section 212 CAMA

(1968) 2 ALR Comm. 197

Sofowora M.O, 2002, Modern Nigerian Company Law, Lagos, page 161


See section 213 (1) (b) CAMA 23Ibid section 213 (2) CAMA 24Ibid section 213 (3) CAMA 25Ibid section 213 (4) CAMA 26Ibid section 215 (1) CAMA 27Ibid section 215 (2) CAMA

Ibid section 213 (2) CAMA; Where a company fails to hold its annual general meeting under the law, the Corporate Affairs Commission may on the application of a member of the company call, or direct the calling of a general meeting of the company.

(1979) II SC 138

See section 223 CAMA

(1900) 2 CH 230

(1978) N.C.L.R 250


(1958) CH D 900, 904

(1972) 1 ANLR pt. 2 pg. 474

(1957) S.C. 315

(1983) BCLC 673

(1978) N.C.L.R 250

(1979) 12 N.S.C.C. 210

see Jarvis Motors (harrow) Ltd. v. Carabott & Anor (1964) 1 W.L.R. 1101 and Sasegbon D., 1991, Nigerian Companies and Allied Matters Law and Practice, DSc Publication Limited, Lagos, Page 347.

See section 215 (7) CAMA

Ibid section 215 (8) CAMA

Ibid section 264 (1) CAMA

Ibid section 266 CAMA

(2001) 15 NWLR pt. 737 at 709

(1888) 30 CH.D. 546

Carruth v. ICI Ltd (1937) AC 707

Section 467 (1) and (2) CAMA

(1978) 2 F.R.C.R. 165

(1978) 2 F.R.C.R. 165

See section 220 CAMA

Ibid section 222 CAMA

Ibid section 218 CAMA

(1914) 1 Ch.895

(1980)1 ALL ER 40

See also section 233(2) CAMA 57Ibid section 219 CAMA

(1920) 2 K.B 523 (C.A)

See section 217 (2) CAMA

Suit NO. FRC/L/45/78 of 12/3/81 Unreported

(1962) 1 All E.R 26

(1978) 2 FRCR 165

(1945) Ch. D 270

(1963) 2 ALR COM 341

CAMA 66 supra

See Section 224 (1) CAMA

see Campell v. Maund (1836) 5 Ad & El 865

see Jackson v. Hamlyn (1953) Ch. 577

see also Re Chillington Iron Co. (1885) 29 Ch. D. 159

See section 226 CAMA

Ibid section 227 CAMA


Northey and Leigh Introduction to Company Law, page 230

(1920) 1 Ch. 466

see Tolley's Company Law, 1990, Tolley Publishing Co. Ltd., England, p. G.2021

See Section 230 CAMA

Ibid section 230 (6) CAMA

Northey & Leigh, op cit , page 222

Sasegbon D., op cit, page 355

See section 231 CAMA

(1907) 1 Ch. 5

Sofowora M.O, op cit, page 169

article 53 table A part 1

(1955) Ch. 143

See also Martins v. Ogungbadero Lagos High Court suit No LD/95/66 of 30/10/67.

(1967) N.C.L.R 393

Smith & Keenan Company Law for students, page 366

see Scadding v. Lorant (1851) 3 HL CAS 418

see Wills v. Murray (1850) 4 Exch. 843

(1926) WN. 78

See section 239 CAMA

See Section 241 (1) CAMA

(1990) 21 NSCC (pt 1) 66.

(1968) All N.L.R 285

Nsirim v. Onuma Const. Co. Ltd. (2001) 7 NWLR pt. 713 page 742


See also section 282 Companies Act 2006

Section 262 CAMA 100Ibid section 234 CAMA 101 supra

See Section 236 CAMA

Ibid Section 238 CAMA

see Scadding v. Lorant (1851) 3 HL CAS 418

see Wills v. Murray (1850) 4 Exch. 843

see Reg v. Doyly (1840) 12 A & E 139

(1969) 2 W.L.R. 1294.

Sasegbon D.,op cit. page 369

See Neel v. Longbottom (1894) 1 Q.B. 767.

(1991) B.C.L.C 224

(1840) 12 A & E 139

The Law Book Company Ltd. 10th Edition, Allahabad India, page 87.

(1876) 2 QBD 26

Section 232 (5) CAMA

Tolley's Company Law, 1990, England, Tolley Publishing Co. Ltd page 2021

(1887) 21 Q.B.D. 160

Section 63 (1) Companies and Allied Matters Act Cap C20 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 (herein referred to as CAMA).

Annual General Meeting under Section 213 CAMA & Extra-Ordinary General Meeting under Section 215 CAMA

See Section 244 CAMA 120See Section 66 CAMA

See section 63 (2), (3) (4) & (5)

See generally Gower and Davies, 2003, Principles of Modern Company Law, London Sweet & Maxwell Ltd, 7th Edition, pg 327.





