The Law And Practice Of Administrative Courts In Ethiopia: The Case Of Addis Ababa City Administrative Tribunal


  • Abate Ayana External Relations, Strategic Planning and Partnership Office Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Administrative tribunal, law, Addis Ababa, proclamation


Addis Ababa city administration established an administrative tribunal based on proclamation No. 6/2008. Thus, the city administrative tribunal would revise administrative measures taken by the concerned city offices. In other words, it hears and decides on appeals which are brought to it by the civil servants. The study which adopted the survey research design mainly through personal interview with court administrators revealed that the city administrative tribunal has performed its function in proper manner and base on the laws. Besides, it is observed that in rendering decision the tribunal carefully followed the laid down procedures. Speedy trial was also one quality of the administrative tribunal. It was therefore concluded that the administrative tribunal operated in a legal and procedural sound manner. Nevertheless, for enhanced productivity, professional trainings for the staff of Addis Ababa City Administrative Tribunal in particular and Administrative Courts in Ethiopia in general should be taken seriously. 


Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (2008). The city government of Addis Ababa Civil servants Proclamation No. 6/2008". In Addis Negarit Gazeta. 1st year, No. 1.

Proclamation No. 6/2008, Article 86(1) 3Proclamation No. 6/2008, Article 86(2)

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (2003). Public servants' pensions' proclamation" No. 345/2003 In Federal Negarit Gazeta 9th year, No 65.

Proclamation No. 6/2008, Article 85(1)

Proclamation No. 6/2008, Article 85(1)

Proclamation No. 6/2008, Article 80(2)

Proclamation No. 6/2008, Article 82(2)

Proclamation No. 6/2008, Article 82(3)

Proclamation No. 6/2008, Article 82( 6)

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (2002). Council of Ministries Regulation to provide for Federal Civil Servants Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure Regulation No 77/2002" In Federal Negarity gazeta 8th year, Number 29.

Proclamation No. 6/2008, Article 69(1-14) 13Proclamation No. 6/2008, Article 81(1) 14Proclamation No. 6/2008, Article 81(2) 15Proclamation No.515/2007, Article 82 16Proclamation No.6/2008, Article 79(1) 17Proclamation No. 6/2008, Article, 2 18Proclamation No.6/2008, Article 79(1) 19Proclamation No. 6/2008, Article ,2

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (2007). Federal civil servants proclamation No. 515/ 2007". In Federal Negarit Gazeta. 13th year, No. 15. 21Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Rule No. 24/2002. "An order proclaimed for the purpose of determining the Disciplinary and Grievance Handling of Addis Ababa City Civil servants". Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.





