Corporate Taxation Laws In Nigeria: A Review


  • John, D. C. Department of Commercial law Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna, Nigeria


Corporate, Taxation, Laws, Cases


It is a general knowledge that the field of law of taxation is complex and highly technical. It requires clear perception of fiscal terms and concepts as well as strict application of myriad of rules allowing various deductions and exemptions. Some of these concepts connote something more than what is commonly understood by the terms under non-tax statutes by the tax payers. Surprisingly, some of these terms are either not defined at all by the corporation tax laws or they are incomprehensively defined posing more confusion than clarification. Therefore, this study aimed at reviewing some basic concepts under corporate tax laws in Nigeria. Based on the findings of this study, it was suggested that a reconciliation of two enactments thus the CAMA and CITA to a policy of charging tax on profit rather than charging on turnover be given immediate attention.


(1897) A.C. 22

Section 9, Companies Income Tax Act, (CITA) Cap C 21,, Laws of Federation of Nigeria (LFN),

Ibid, Section 19

Sweeny C.A et al-Revenue Law in Australia, Butterworths, Durban, 1975 p. 187.

See Wington F8 Lecture Series No 1 for Review of Economic Literature; See also Reamonn- The

Philosophy of Corporate Taxation (1971) quoted in John Tiley-Revenue Law, Butterworths,

London 2000 pp. 622-623.

See Report of Richads on Committee on Turnover Taxation, 1964 also quoted in John Tiley op. cit

(fn 5) p. 623.

Cap C. 20 LFN 2004.

Companies and Allied Matters Act, (CAMA), Cap C20, LFN 2004, Section 54.

CITA,Cap C21, LFN, 2004, Section 13 (1)

Tiley J. -Revenue Law, Butterworths, London, 2000, p. 622.

Bryan A. Garner - Black's Law Dictionary, 8th edition, West Publishing Co., USA, 2004, p. 1500.

Cap P 8, LFN, 2004, Section 12, See also Tiley J. op.cit (fn 10)


Abdulrazaq M. T__ Nigerian Revenue Law, Matthouse Press Ltd, Lagos, 2005, p. 28.

Tiley, J. op.cit (fn. 10)

CAMA, Cap 20, LFN, 2004, Section 54.


Ibid, Sections 56 and 59.

Cap C21, LFN, 2004

See also Petroleum Profits Tax Act, Cap P 13, LFN, 2004, Section 2.

Companies Income Tax Act, 2004, Sections 40 (4), 47, 29 (10).

CAMA, Section 55

CITA, Section 13 (2).

CITA, Section 105 and Petroleum Profit Tax Act (PPTA,), Cap LFN, 2004, Section 2.

Nigerian Tax Reform in 2003 and Beyond- The Main Report of the Study Group on the Nigerian

Tax System 2003, p 266.

CITA, Section 23(b), op. cit.(fn 2)

Second Schedule, Parts I & II of the 1999 Constitution

CITA, Section 106

Ibid, Section 13 (1)

Ibid, Sections 11, 29 (10) and 106

CITA, Section 29 (10)

Ibid, section 13 (2) (a)

Ibid, Section 13 (2) (b)

Ibid, Section 13 (2) (c)

Ibid, Section 13 (2) (d)

Ibid, Section 14 (1)

Ibid, Section 15

Ibid, Section 16 (1)

Ibid, Section 16 (1) (b)

See the proviso to Section 16 (1) (b) CITA, 2004

Ibid. See also Arogundade J. A__ Nigerian Income Tax & Its International Dimension, Spectrum

Books Ltd, Ibadan, 2005, pp303-304 and Ola C.S__ Incorporated Tax Law for corporate

and Unincorporated Bodies in Nigeria, Heinemann Educational Books (Nig) Ltd,

Ibadan p237

Cap C21, LFN, 2004

Colten Iron Company Vs Black (1881) 6 AC 315

CITA, Section 16 (1)(a)

Ibid, Section 16 (1) (c)

No 11 of 2007

Cap P8, LFN, 2004

Arogundade J. A op.cit (fn 41) p31

CITA, 2004, Section 10

Cap C21, LFN, 2004

Cap P13, LFN, 2004

8th Edition, 2004, P1246

Ibid, p1246

The New Webster's Dictionary of the English Language, International Edition, 1993, p1064

CITA, 2004, Section 30

Nigerian Tax Reform in 2003 & Beyond op.cit p174(fn 25)

Toby R.A __ The Theory and Practice of Income Tax, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1978 p36

Ibid. See also Mayson S.W __ Revenue Law, Blackstone Press Ltd, London, 1980, pp34-35

CAMA, Cap 20, LFN, 2004, Sections 56-59

IRC Vs. Lysaght (1927) 13 TC 511

Per Lord Warrington in Levene Vs IRC (1929) AC, 217, p232

Abdulrazaq M. T. op.cit. (fn 14) p169, See also Anthony Sumption__ Taxation of Overseas Incomes

and Gains, Butterworths, London, 1973 pp2-18

Toby R. A op.cit (fn 56) p36

CITA, op.cit (fn 19), Section 13(2)

Article 5, Double Taxation Relief (Between the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Government of

the Kingdom of Belgium) Order 15 of 1997 (hereinafter referred to as Nigerian Double

TaxationAgreement, DTA for short)


Arogundade J. A op.cit (fn 41) p32

(1976) APP/COMM/228 quoted in and culled from Arogundade J. A op.cit pp52-54

(1942) TC 453

(1932) 24 C.L.R (Australia) pp601-602

(2004) 3 NWLR (pt 859) 46 @ 63 paras F-H.

Toby R.A op.cit (fn 57) p37


Arogundade J. A op.cit (fn 41) p426

Swedish Central Railway Co. Ltd. Vs Thompson (1925) A.C 495

Unit Construction Co. Ltd Vs Bullock (1960) A.C 351, Per Lord Radclif

Supra (fn 75)

Quoted in and culled from Mayson S.W op.cit (fn 58) p539

Agreement Between the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Government of

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the Avoidance of Double

Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital

Gains; 9th June, 1987.

Economic Perspectives: An Economic Journal of the US Department of State Vol. 5, No 2, 2000,

p2 quoted in Linus Ali - Corporate Criminal Liability in Nigeria, Malthouse Press Ltd,

Lagos, 2008, p250.

The Economist, January 29, 2000, p10.

Bryan A. Garner__Black's Law Dictionary, op.cit (fn 11), p551


See Para. 3.8.1 ante

See 'e-dividend payment' in Daily Trust, p38, Friday, March 28, 2008

PITA 2004, Section 71(2); See also CITA, 2004, Section 82

Also known as electronic cash, electronic currency, digital money, digital cash or digital currency

The science or study of analyzing and deciphering codes using secret symbols

"http:// en. Money",30th June, 2009 Note further that by on-line it

means it is connected to a computer or internet; while off-line means it is concerned with a

part of a computer system not connected to the central processing unit but controlled by

a computer storage device.


A Nevis Corporation , 30th June, 2009




Arogundade, J. A op.cit (fn 41) p34

Grainger & Sons Vs Gough (1896) A.C 325

Macpherson & Co. Vs Moore (1926) 6 TC 107

Wilcock Vs Pinto & Co. (1925) 9 TC 111

(1971) N.M.L.R 339

Now Section 9, CITA, 2004

Goldface-Irokalibe I. J - Law of Banking in Nigeria ,Malthouse Press Ltd, Lagos, 2007, p 203

Ibid, pp 204-205

Arogundade, J.A op.cit, (fn 41), p 54

This is a system whereby a tax payer accesses himself.

This is a system whereby a tax payer is called upon to file tax returns and the tax office would

make assessments to be served on him.

No. 13 of 2007 (hereinafter referred to as FIRS Act 2007)

Ibid Section 8 (1)(k)





