Politics And The Nigerian Situation


  • Adegboyega, O. O Department of Philosophy Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria


Politics, Nigerian nation, social order


As a concept, politics is the science of administration of human society. Fundamentally, its practice is to enhance peace, social order, stability, growth and development in any society or nation. However, the effect of politics on Nigeria is a negation of the above identified goals of politics. Rather than peace, unity, social order, growth and development there have been chaos, disintegration, instability, and social disorder. This paper therefore advanced the argument that the idea of politics and its ideals have been wrongly conceived by the political elites and this is responsible for the problems of injustice, disintegration, and lack of growth and under development in the contemporary Nigeria nation. To resolve these problems, the paper argued for a return to the traditional conception of politics.


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