Local Government Autonomy In Nigeria: Politics And Challenges Of The 1999 Constitution


  • Asaju, K. Department of Public Administration Ahmadu Bello University, Kongo-Campus, Zaria Kaduna State, Nigeria.


Autonomy, decentralisation, devolution, federal systems, local government, rural development


This paper undertook a historical overview of the development of the local government system in Nigeria, especially from 1950, when Nigeria became a federal unit (that is North, West and East). It was discovered that before 1976 when a unified local government system was adopted throughout the country, each of the federating unit, later state, operated the type of local government system that was unique to their political needs, but the advent of military regime with its centralised form of government affected this former arrangement. But, with the re-emergence of civilian regime in 1979, the former arrangement was adopted. Thus, the 1979, 1989 and 1999 Constitutions recognised the local government as a third tier of government, subject to the control of State governments. The abuse of these provisions in the Constitutions, especially by the State government, has brought to the fore-front the question of local government autonomy. Therefore, the only option is a review of the Constitution. Provisions should be put in place to check the loopholes that give room for such abuses by the State governments.


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