Examination Of Recent Trends In Corporate Governance As It Affects The Majority Rule And The Minority Protection


  • Azu, U. E. Ebonyi State Judiciary, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria


Corporate governance, majority rule, minority protection, common law, contemporary statutes


This article explored the trends in corporate governance from the perspective of the common law to our contemporary statutes. This work revealed that the establishment of a minimum set of legislative standards against which all corporate actions and behaviours could be tested is imperative to ensure effective management. The method of research employed here include extensive literature review, internet facilities, examination of judicial authorities and statutes. It is realized that the failure to secure and maintain the confidence of investors could result in a decline in share purchase. It could also result in a general lethargy in investment due to the uncertainty and unpredictability of corporate behaviour. Therefore, this article considers the equitable and fair treatment of shareholders as fundamental to the maintenance of public confidence in corporations as well as the securities market in general.


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